No matter the industry you operate in, data center security is of the utmost importance. If you build your data center in an area where it’s...
No matter the industry you operate in, data center security is of the utmost importance. If you build your data center in an area where it’s...
Are you thinking about building a commercial construction project in Washington state? If so, it is critical that you understand the ins and outs of...
It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on supply chains worldwide. Although construction has been deemed an “essential”...
Whenever you’re enlisting a vendor to build a piece of mission-critical infrastructure for you—whether it’s a modular data center, integrated...
It’s no secret that data centers are expensive to build. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the average data center project carries a price...
In recent years, the cost of data center construction has been on the rise due to a confluence of factors. On one hand, there’s a skilled labor...
In 2017, California’s gross domestic product grew to $2.7 trillion—eclipsing that of the U.K. and giving the Golden State claim to the world’s...
There’s a reason more and more companies are opting to go with modular data centers: They just make sense.
When it comes time to design a new modular data center, it can be easy to source all of your materials from a single supplier. Though it might...
Once you’ve decided to build a new data center, the work is just getting started. You can’t just expect to build just any facility and get the...