The metaverse is becoming a hot topic in the tech world, and attention is turning from the concept of a futuristic virtual world to the practical...
The metaverse is becoming a hot topic in the tech world, and attention is turning from the concept of a futuristic virtual world to the practical...
Colocation is a great option for companies today, and the market is growing to meet demand. With many providers out there, colo providers need to...
The data center industry is increasingly looking for ways to become more eco-friendly. This involves a hard look at every aspect of infrastructure...
Today, enterprises have several options for where they host their data storage and applications. There can be confusion over the differences between...
Like all types of data centers, colocation providers are struggling to keep up with demand. It’s a great problem to have but a problem, nonetheless,...
The data center industry is focused on timely issues such as sustainability, climate concerns and experimenting with new data center environments....
Many industry leaders had made predictions for what the 2020s would hold for the data center world. However, many of these predictions were impacted...
Choosing modular construction is a major step toward achieving faster deployment for your data center project. But there are additional steps you can...
Arc flashes are a common and dangerous hazard for data center workers. Fortunately, there are arc flash safety steps you can take to keep workers...