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When Do Modular Data Center Solutions Make Sense? Five Common Scenarios

Written by Bret Lehman | Sep 4, 2024 1:30:00 PM

Modular data center solutions have become more popular in recent years, but if you’re not very familiar with this type of data center, you may be wondering when it makes sense to take advantage of this product. Modular data centers (MDCs) can help you save on time, space, and costs and can provide an exceptionally versatile solution to meet a variety of computing needs. Let’s explore some scenarios when an MDC is a smart choice.

1. You want to keep data or applications on-premises.

Despite the growing percentage of servers hosted by hyperscale cloud providers, many organizations still see the value in keeping at least some data on-premises. Adopting a hybrid approach to computing and data storage can allow you to leverage the advantages of both cloud and on-premises where it makes sense. 

If you’re not sure you want to entrust all your data to the cloud or go with a colocation provider, an on-premises data center can provide the privacy and control over your data that you desire. For example, industries like healthcare and financial services may want to maintain tighter control over individuals’ sensitive data.

Whether you want to host all your data and applications on-site or take a hybrid approach, modular data centers provide one of the easiest ways to achieve on-premises computing. The versatility and simplicity of modular construction makes it easy to move computing on-premises without the need for traditional construction or major renovations.

2. Your space is limited.

One of the potential challenges of on-premises computing is the physical space it requires. Modular data centers solve for this problem as they’re designed for ultimate space efficiency. They also come in a variety of designs, so you can find an option that best fits your facility. 

With an MDC, you can install your own data center anywhere on your property it makes sense to do so. If indoor space is limited, you can opt for an all-in-one MDC, which can be installed outside your facility. Imagine the simplicity of just pouring a concrete pad outside your facility and, in short order, having a fully functioning data center on-site.

3. You’re working with a tight timeline.

One of the greatest advantages modular data centers offer is their speed to value. Whether you need to expand your capacity or get a new data center up and running as soon as possible, an MDC is the way to go. Traditional construction projects can drag on for many months and are subject to potential delays due to weather or labor shortages. 

Modular data centers, in contrast, are assembled in a controlled manufacturing facility and include at least some elements of prefabrication (even if you customize your design). This standardization allows production to adhere to a more predictable and expedient timeline. You can speed up deployment time even more by proactively coordinating with your MDC provider and sourcing components strategically.

4. You want the flexibility to scale in the future.

Another notable advantage modular data center solutions offer is their scalability. Maybe your computing needs are pretty modest right now, but you know they may evolve in the future. With traditional construction, you may feel the need to future-proof your data center by overprovisioning. However, overplanning inevitably involves wasted costs and energy, and you’re still guessing at your future needs. 

Modular data centers remove the guesswork and allow you to only build out the capacity you need now, knowing that if your needs change, you’ll be ready to scale. Modular data centers easily integrate together like building blocks so you’re able to add (or remove) modules as needed to efficiently meet your computing and data storage needs. 

5. You want a self-contained setup.

Modular data centers are an excellent choice whenever you don’t want to break ground on a major construction project. As self-contained units, all-in-one MDCs can be installed just about anywhere. From parking lots to the most rugged environments, MDCs are ready for action. 

This aspect of MDCs is especially valuable when it comes to edge computing. Bringing low-latency computing to the edge becomes far more feasible with compact, self-contained modular data center solutions. All you need is access to power and a solid surface for installation. 

Learn More About Modular Data Center Solutions

Modular data center solutions can help organizations meet their on-premises computing needs in a way that’s exceptionally efficient and versatile. Want to learn more about MDCs and why they’re growing in popularity across the data center market? Check out our e-book, The Complete Guide to Modular Data Centers!