When utilizing a modular approach to build a mission critical data center, organizations may come across the need to accommodate the unique requirements of highly-technical build-outs, integrate specialized equipment to meet their specifications, or simply expedite their project timelines to meet their desired schedule. In this case, the organization can take the initiative, and source or instruct a contractor to purchase the necessary components, which are then installed by their team.

In doing so, these organizations are taking part in a process known as sourcing and installing owner furnished-contractor installed equipment (OFCI). Combined with the modular approach to data center construction, OFCI imparts numerous benefits for organizations looking to build data centers that meet their specific or unique needs.

To detail and discuss OFCI's effect on both modular data center construction and the industry, PCX Director of Sales and Marketing, Rob Coyle, delved into the topic during the virtually-hosted Advancing Data Center Construction Conference in November 2020.
During the presentation, Coyle discussed:
  • How OFCI eliminates margin stack by empowering more organizational control in equipment integration.
  • Avoiding vendor lock-in by diversifying component sourcing and utilizing the benefits of modular data center construction.
  • Ensuring better data center and organizational results, and streamlining build processes with a common goal.
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