It only takes one weak link in the cybersecurity chain to allow for a devastating breach.

The threat of cybercrime looms large. Data centers can’t afford to leave any infrastructure vulnerable to hackers, including switchgear. 

However, prioritizing cybersecurity in switchgear design is not as simple as flipping a switch. Maintaining the security and efficiency of power distribution networks requires:

  • Advanced security protocols
  • Intuitive threat identification and response
  • Secure remote access and management
  • Stringent adherence to cybersecurity standards
  • A heavy focus on resilience and redundancy

To adapt to these evolving requirements, switchgear manufacturers need access to the resources and knowledge necessary to ward off current cyber threats and anticipate future threats. 

Our recent white paper offers insights into the growing need for cybersecurity in power distribution. Download our white paper, Enhancing Cybersecurity and Resilience in Low-Voltage Switchgear Design for Future Power Distribution, to learn why and how network-enabled switchgear must be designed to enhance cybersecurity rather than compromise it.



Complete the form to access the whitepaper.

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